Pais: Polonia Genero: Black Metal, Pagan/Viking Metal Letras: Anti-christianity, Celtic Beliefs, Wotanism, War 1. I Am What They Fear 06:26 2. Blood of Heroes 07:25
Pais: suiza Genero: Black Metal (old), Electronic/Industrial Metal (new) Letras: Satanism (old), Discovery, spirituality (new) 1. Sleep Of Death 03:44 2. Worship Him 06:30 3. Knowledge Of The Ancient Kingdom 05:05 4. Morbid Metal 04:55 5. Rite Of Cthulhu 02:02 6. The Black Face 03:30 7. Into The Pentagram 06:47 8. Messenger Of The Light 02:42 9. Last Benediction 01:23 10. The Dark 04:29
Pais: Noruega Genero: Black Metal Letras: Anti-christianity, Evil, Sadomasochism, Satanism
1. Through the Black Veil of Burgo Pas 02:17 2. Bloodlust and Perversion 04:03 3. Return of the Freezing Winds 04:03 4. The Woods of Wallachia 03:23 5. Wings Over the Mountain of Sighisoara 03:52
Pais: Belgica Genero: Pagan Black Metal Letras: Heathenism, nature, war 1. Sur nos Glaives Victorieux Flamboie la Nouvelle Aurore 09:27 2. Mourning Of The Aryan Moon 04:00 3. Hymne à la Révolte de nos Frères 05:00 4. Foghorn 03:46 5. L'Ultime Rafle Purificatrice 03:17 6. Europa (When Zion Rules This World) 07:36 7. Als die Alten Jung Noch Waren (Absurd cover) 02:36 8. Les Lauriers Sont Coupés 06:53
Pais: Belgica Genero: Symphonic Black Metal Letras: Darkness, Death
1. ...Memoriam Draconis - Intro 02:07 2. Mists Of Evil (To Elysian) 08:40 3. A Most Excellent Charm In Solemn Endurance 04:39 4. The Eternal Nothingness 08:40 5. Seduced By Necromancy 02:18 6. Emperors Of The Night 06:41 7. Sands Of Sheol 04:57 8. Hymn To The Ancient Ones 05:02 9. Star Castle 08:25 10. The Mines Of Moria - Outro 15:58
Pais: Rusia Genero: Pagan Black Metal Letras: Wotanism, NS, Anti-judeo-christianity 1. Enturned Doomwanderer 05:36 2. To Wide Open Hathall 06:21 3. To Eclipse the Sun 05:05 4. Into Horizontless Far... Darkembraces 07:12 5. Eternal Vastland 07:24 6. Raid the Northlord 07:27
Pais: Mexico Genero: Gothic Black Metal Letras: Darkness 1. Awakening The Moon 01:39 2. Fallen Paradise 04:44 3. Genesis of Betrayal 02:19 4. Medieval March 05:19 5. Ode to the Shados of Light 05:27 6. Sunset Crimes of Passion 06:26 7. Throne of wisdom 04:31
Pais: Noruega Genero: Black Metal Letras: Death, Norway, the Devil in man 1. Eismalsott (live) 03:08 2. Tykjes Fele (live) 02:16 3. Over Fjell og Gjennom Torner (live) 02:29 4. Voldtekt (live) 03:37
Pais: Francia Genero: NS Black Metal Letras: Blood, Paganism, History 1. Terre Maudite 04:07 2. Aux Traîtres... 05:30 3. Dégénérés Du Culte 05:07 4. L'Ordre De Lucifer 05:21
Letras: Anti-judeo-christianity, Evil, Darkness 1. Petrified Ghost Ov The Stellar Freezing 02:36 2. Antikrist Atomik Winter Smack (Nuklearfrost Strike Part I) 02:59 3. Spell Summoning Death 02:44 4. Poisonous Ascetik Blood 03:00 5. Satanized Funeral Rites 03:53 6. Far Beyond Human Stench 02:58 7. Tribute, Oath and Sacrifice 05:21 8. Kill your people first (Shed your own Blood) 02:47 9. From Flagellation to Bondage, From Bondage to Ekztinktion 04:38
Pais: Polonia Genero: Raw Black Metal (early),Pagan War Metal (later) Letras: Paganism, Anti-christianity, Medieval Wars
1. The Heretic Kingdom 05:49 2. As Hermits Return 05:58 3. Purity Of The Tyrants 03:51 4. December Thoughts 08:16 5. Ages Of The Reign 08:25 6. Thorns On The Black Rose 05:44 7. In The Circle Of The Kings 03:44
Pais: Australia Genero: Black Metal Letras: Plague, Death, Disease, Genocide 1. Sentinel of the Epidemic 08:02 2. Amongst Famine 05:57 3. Putrify 03:35 4. The Delusion Trail 10:07
Pais: U.S.A. Genero: Pagan Black Metal Letras: Paganism 1. Battle Horns 06:32 2. West Winter Moon 06:39 3. I, Beholder Of Flame 03:42 4. Dawn Of Full Moon 06:03 5. March To Die 04:18 6. The Necromancer 02:30
Pais: Alemania Genero: Black Metal Letras:Human Suffering 1. Vertrautes Dunkel 09:17 2. In Trauriger Sehnsucht 05:30 3. Und Sie Verstummen... 08:41 4. Schwertes Kälte 06:05
Pais: Brasil Genero: Melodic Black Metal Letras:Darkness 1. Forsaken Winds of Diabolical Ecstasy 01:47 2. Supreme Black Victory 05:40 3. Beyond the Ethereal Spheres of Nocturnal Domain 08:02 4. Inside the Shadowy Glass Moon 05:27 5. Tilled by the Traces of Fear 03:48 6. Unhallowed on my Lips 06:32 7. Promised Key to the Unholy Gates of Evil 06:13 8. The Truth of our Essence 05:31
Pais: Brasil Genero: Black Metal Letras: satanism, Darkness 1. Lament Of A Witch (Intro) 01:03 2. Osculum Infame 04:40 3. The Night Of Satan's Rise 04:16 4. The Black Forest 04:41 Total playing time 14:42
Pais: Brasil Genero: Black Metal Letras:Anti-Christianity 1. Obscuro Domínio 02:24 2. Supremacia 05:46 3. Abismal Lamentos 04:44 4. Em Lágrimas De Sangue 05:20 5. Crucifixo De Almas
Pais: Alemania Genero: Black Metal Letras:A tribute to nature 1. Alpenland 08:58 2. The fading landscape`s glory 07:18 3. Das Jahr geht mit eisiger Faust 06:13 4. Der Gast im Frühlingswald (Nostalgie I) 05:22 5. Über den grünen Kronen (Nostalgie II) 07:01 6. Horn 06:30 7. Es kehrte nicht wieder heim 01:56 Total playing time 43:00
Pais: Sur Corea Genero: Black Metal Letras:Anti religion 1. Honed Sword 01:05 2. Gathering of the Fatal Spirit 05:35 3. For the Great Throne 06:32 4. Departure of Damned Journey 03:01 5. Movement of the Fatal Spirit 08:39 6. Pitch Black Night Before Unholy Battle 01:31 Total playing time 26:23
Pais: Suiza Genero: NS Black Metal Letras: National Socialism 1. Intro 01:46 2. Absolute Untermenschenvernichtung 03:27 3. Schwarzeisern ger�stet und im Blute geweiht 03:29 4. Morkars Sturmkolonnen 00:43 5. Durch die alten ehernen Kerker 03:44 6. Felder der Ehre 03:26 7. Das Pentagon in Flammen 02:30 Total playing time 19:05
Pais: Francia Genero: Black Metal Letras: Darkness, Celts, Regionalism 1. Intro 00:56 2. Conquest 04:48 3. Riding The Cold Wind 06:13 4. Fall Into The Abyss 05:34 5. Morrigu 04:29 6. Outro 02:44 Total playing time 24:44
Pais: España Genero: Black Metal Letras: Satanism, Hell, Sacrifice, Anti-christianity 1. Burial Of The Hyperborean Witch 05:03 2. Conspiracy 06:11 3. Fire (The Punishment Of Lilith) 03:54 4. Infernucoerreca 06:32 5. Doomed 03:58 6. Black Anni´s Bower 07:08 7. Burn In Hell 04:45 Total playing time 37:39
Pais: Finlandia Genero: Black Metal Letras: Satanism, Paganism, Pervesions 1. Beyond All Light 03:20 2. Casted in Metal 01:50 3. Prelude to the Battle 02:33 4. Destruction 03:39 5. Blood Dynasty 03:21 6. Bloodhammerian Way 02:40 7. Demonik Attakk 05:22 8. Nail, Rape & Desecrate 02:44 9. 666 Maniacs 03:45 10. Into the Darkest of Nights 03:44
Pais: Francia Genero: Black Metal Letras: Satanism
1. Marching to Haar Megiddo 02:17 2. Sphinktes: Le Rite Oublié 05:45 3. Behind the Rotting Sun of Human Desolation 06:11 4. Hoatae Shaitan 02:43 5. Buried God 05:43 6. L'Enfer de Bosch 07:11 7. Charon Manifesto 05:39 8. Goat: Father of the New Flesh 01:11 9. Lasciate ogni Speranza 03:33 10. Memento Finis 02:02
DIMINISHED - Chainsaw Cunt (2010)
Artist: Diminished
Album: Chainsaw Cunt
Year: 2010
Genre: Brutal Death Metal/Grindcore
Country: United States
Format: mp3@VBR232kbps
Total playing time: 30:...
Dew Of Nothing-Outsider Advance [Mexico]
*Dew Of Nothing was born in December of 1996, with the idea to play fast
and technical death metal, some months later of rehearsing and compose some
CANNIBAL CORPSE Lyon, France 03.10.1991
nile - maracaibo, venezuela 03-16-2010
krisiun – 2011 hangar 110 sÃo paulo, sp, brazil 09.04.2011 58;31m (hd) ...
Isengard - Høstmørke
El segundo album de este proyecto del Noruego Fenriz es titulado Høstmørke
y fue lanzado en el año 1995.
* Fenriz - todos ...
Requiem Aeternam
Es una banda nacida en Uruguay, pero hoy en día se encuentra radicada en
los Estados Unidos. Comenzaron con un sonido crudo, con influencias del
black me...